Wednesday, February 4, 2009


South Africa has many different types of transportation. These three pictures are some of the transportation that rich people would have. Most people in South Africa do not have enough money to own a boat and a car or even just one of them. The plane is another type of transportation in South Africa, but most people would never be able to afford to get on a plane to leave the country or even to just to go on a on a trip with their families.

Most people would only be able to afford to go on the bus to and from work because it costs little money. So just like the clothes only the rich people get the really good transportation/vehicles. What people with less money would have for transportation would be to either walk everywhere or they just might have a donkey and a wagon. Many people have to walk for miles to get water, food, and things that we take for granted. So the most used transportation in South Africa is the use of bus' and they ride donkey's everywhere.

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